The Pitfalls of Mileage Tracking Apps

Mileage tracker apps are excellent tools, however they are not for everyone.  There are a number of reasons why mileage tracking apps might not be the best choice for you.  We have compiled a list – let’s give it a look!

  1.  The app needs to be running at all times while driving.  Did you forget to turn on the app to track your drive?  Sorry, Charlie – you’re out of luck!
  2.  Your battery life is precious!  Running an location-based app while you drive drains your battery at an alarming rate.
  3.  Mileage tracking apps log your location as well as create a time/date stamp of the date the driving log entry was created.  This is not desirable if you are attempting to log entries for yesterday, last week or last month.
  4.  Separating business driving from personal driving takes time and many apps do not support splitting a drive into separate “personal” and “business” drives after the fact.

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